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Burning dvd's

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Sep 14, 2006  11:48 AM 1

Can someone recommend a good program for burning dvd's? I have no idea what to buy.

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Sep 14, 2006  4:10 PM 2

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I use nero, it meets all my burning needs and is relatively easy to use.
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Sep 14, 2006  4:55 PM 3

If possible, try to get Nero 6 instead of 7. Many people don’t like Nero 7 because: it’s bloated with too many extra junk apps., the options interface is kinda messed-up, and the burn quality seems to be lower (especially for music CDs).

Other programs you might want to consider are Easy Media Creator (for beginners that never learn) and Alcohol 120% (for copying protected discs and image mounting on virtual drives). Clone CD/DVD is also pretty good for copying discs.

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Sep 15, 2006  7:28 AM 4

DVDshrink and dvddrcrypter is also good for ripping DVDs to burn however you'll also need a burning app for them.

DVDshink can use Nero to burn but only if Nero is already installed on the PC.

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Oct 28, 2006  8:35 AM 5

I use CloneDVD for burning Clones and for also ripping the movie only...I use AnyDVD to get around protection...

DVDShrink is a great free program, it is a little slower than most of the other programs out there though....

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Oct 28, 2006  11:49 AM 6

Originally posted by Paulbg2000
I use CloneDVD for burning Clones and for also ripping the movie only...I use AnyDVD to get around protection...

DVDShrink is a great free program, it is a little slower than most of the other programs out there though....

Also, DVDShrink can't always shrink a movie as much as CloneDVD. That might be good for quality purposes, but sometimes when I've just wanted it to fit, DVDShrink hasn't allowed it.

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Committed in Nov 2006
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Nov 14, 2006  10:08 AM 7

I use DVDFab, right now am using the trial version of DVDFab Gold....if I use the reg. one I do it thru there first, than use my dvd shrink...nero doesn't work for me as it always comes up saying the movie is right protected or something along those lines......have been very successful and haven't made to many garbage ones.

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Nov 30, 2006  8:42 PM 8

No problems here using Nero 7, although I don't use it for burning audio CDs. Agreed that it's totally bloated (like anything Nero has released since 5.5). I suggest you use Nero Lite or Nero Micro.
(you still need a Nero licence/serial to use with Lite/Micro)

I use AnyDVD to get around protection...

The drawback of using software like this is that it bypasses the protection/region instead of actually removing it altogether, such as with DVD Decrypter or DVD Fab Decrypter.

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Dec 18, 2006  10:01 PM 9

Any problem with copyrights then go to They have info on burning games CDs and DVDs.But remember the info is there to only make copies for yourself.

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