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Ontario Alliance Con MPP wants to ban Hollywood movie

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Committed in Jun 2001
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May 26, 2005  10:24 PM 46


Came late to the party, but thought I would throw my 2cents in without being burdened by the political bruhaha.

Ok, my view on this stuff, and I realize it is different than pretty much everyone else's (shades of grey and all that) is that the film should not be subject to governmental regulation ("banning")..

However.. What would be really nice would be a spontaneous unorganized boycott by anyone who believes that it is in the worst possible taste to create entertainment from those circumstances. Vote with your feet and refuse to see offensive, opportunistic garbage such as that!

Power to the people!

Of course, if it does boffo box office once again my faith in humanity would be crushed...
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May 27, 2005  11:15 AM 47

This thread just reminded me of the SARS movie this weekend.

or maybe they want to ban this too?

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Jun 12, 2005  9:08 PM 48

The director is being interviewed right now on Newsworld for those interested (on thier Sunday program).

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Committed in Jun 2005
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Jun 14, 2005  1:35 PM 49

Ok....I am in college studying to be a Journalist. I have been following the Bernardo case for the past little while. I was merely 10 when the "Deal with the Devil" occurred.
The movie, Deadly, is one I know I want to see. Everyone has the right to free speech and freedom of expression. The film maker has taken that and turned it into a movie.
As for the profitting from the movie...I was reading that the film maker wants to work out a deal so that a good majority of the profits go to a charity that the victim's families approve.
If this movie does get banned in Ontario, there will still be ways of Ontarians seeing it.
These crimes were horrific, I have no doubts about that, but as stated above....if you don't want them to profit from the move, don't see it. If people don't go see it, the movie will be a flop and be pulled from theatres (I doubt this will happen.) finish I have one thing to say....our justice system sucks when you can get 13 years for smuggling drugs and strike a deal against your husband for crimes you participated in (including the murder of your own sister) and walk in 12.
Just sum food for thought.

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Jun 29, 2005  5:26 PM 50

Fearing for her life once she's released from prison, convicted killer Karla Homolka is going to court to seek an injunction that would ban media coverage of her.

Now here's an interesting spin on this censorship discussion.

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Committed in Jun 2001
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Jun 29, 2005  5:28 PM 51

Originally posted by NakedGord

Now here's an interesting spin on this censorship discussion.

Hmm.. Perhaps she should have thought of her own protection before she acted in killing innocent people..

*world's tiniest violin*

Vigilante justice is wrong, but you won't find me too upset if someone does decide to take the law into their own hands..
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Committed in May 2002
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Jun 30, 2005  7:53 AM 52

Originally posted by othdawg

Vigilante justice is wrong, but you won't find me too upset if someone does decide to take the law into their own hands..

Yeah, I was thinking someone will probably do makes me wonder the person who would be willing to risk the consequences of their actions by taking matters into their own hands...

Life is not a dress rehearsal.
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Committed in May 2001
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Jul 01, 2005  5:33 AM 53

Originally posted by othdawg
Hmm.. Perhaps she should have thought of her own protection before she acted in killing innocent people..

*world's tiniest violin*

Vigilante justice is wrong, but you won't find me too upset if someone does decide to take the law into their own hands..

Agreed on all counts.

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Committed in May 2001
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Jul 01, 2005  5:34 AM 54

Originally posted by alligator
Yeah, I was thinking someone will probably do makes me wonder the person who would be willing to risk the consequences of their actions by taking matters into their own hands...

If someone does do that I imagine we'll see the biggest campaign Canada has seen for a legal defence fund.

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Committed in Jul 2002
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Jul 01, 2005  6:27 AM 55

I think everyone in Ontario should get nuts. They have been editing movies for years. How is this fair, what country to we live in?

Have they ever found the supposed snuff movies Karla and Bernardo tapes. We should worry about those more than a hollywood movie.

Just my 2 scents, yeah that was my government portion!


........I am so poor I can't pay attention!....
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