Permanent Patient of the Juju Asylum

Committed in May 2002
I'm in The wilds of suburbia with my
sweetie, ON
Addiction Index: 977
Jul 14, 2005 7:51 PM
So i'm not normally into these reality shows... but i've totally got sucked into this one... I've watched the last couple episodes and am really rooting for the 'average joes'... some of them seem really sweet. I really like the josh guy - the cancer patient therapist - he seems nice, witty and he's pretty cute! seems perfectly good to me... and one of the ones who got kicked off last time - aaron - the phd comp sci student - he seemed cute too - if a bit geeky and shy - but nice. on the other hand, the arthur guy annoys me somewhat. can't exactly put my finger on it but anyway...and i just can't believe what a bunch of cocky jerks they've thrown into the mix to be the hotties - like yeah, they're handsome and all that - but i think she'll be able to see through it. So is anyone else as sucked in as I am?
Life is not a dress rehearsal. |
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