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HOME > The Bowl > DVD, Movies, TV, Games > Is there a full dvd set for sliders?
Is there a full dvd set for sliders?

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Aug 22, 2005  7:57 PM 1

like ALL of the series not just 1 & 2 and then season 3
i was on some site (no i didnt bookmark it silly me) and it said ALL , the whole set , for $249
BUT all i have seen on any other site are season one and two on dvd
and then season 3

soooo i'm wondering if that is a 'real' dvd set that actually exists (but perhaps in the uk or something cus it did say they ship worldwide) or if its some guy whos copied the series on his dvd burner and selling em online

its one of the series i'd love to get for xmas

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Committed in Apr 2005
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Aug 22, 2005  11:05 PM 2

I dunno about the DVD set but there is a contest you can enter to win a season 3 DVD set.

You need to answer a question and email them with the answer. I think the answer is "My Secret Identity". I could be wrong tho. Good luck! And hurry it ends on the 25th of Aug!

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Aug 23, 2005  7:11 AM 3 Toys You'll Love Under $15 at Chapters!

Originally posted by wired
like ALL of the series not just 1 & 2 and then season 3
i was on some site (no i didnt bookmark it silly me) and it said ALL , the whole set , for $249
BUT all i have seen on any other site are season one and two on dvd
and then season 3

soooo i'm wondering if that is a 'real' dvd set that actually exists (but perhaps in the uk or something cus it did say they ship worldwide) or if its some guy whos copied the series on his dvd burner and selling em online

its one of the series i'd love to get for xmas

According to Amazon UK there's only the 1/2 season combo that's in PAL R2 format (The season three listing is to special order the US R1 NTSC version).

These complete series dvds being sold online are usually bootlegs from TV. Quality varies but if it's being released by an official company I'd bet you'd be better to wait for them to get around to later seasons.

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Aug 23, 2005  8:22 AM 4

Originally posted by Tygress
I dunno about the DVD set but there is a contest you can enter to win a season 3 DVD set.

You need to answer a question and email them with the answer. I think the answer is "My Secret Identity". I could be wrong tho. Good luck! And hurry it ends on the 25th of Aug!

thanks and yes that is why i was looking for the set, lol the large amount of contests that aare being hosted for season 3!!

yeah i figured it might be someone burning something or other off their box
shesh I can do that lol
thanks all

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